As a parent, I can say that I try to keep up on what my child is doing. As a conventioner, I also know that the world
of sci-fi and anime conventions can seem a little odd. Katana and I agreed that we needed a place to talk to the parents
of our young guests. A place to assure them that their child isn't into anything overtly dangerous. The information
under this section is a frank discussion about what your child is getting in to.
- Man In Kilt -
Ask A Parental Question
So, we have had lots of parents hitting us up at conventions, wanting to know if they can ask a question on here. Well, now you can!
Ask your question in the window below, and click on SUBMIT. We'll add the question to this section, with our answers. The goal here
is to help the parents of first time con goers find some piece of mind, or at least know what you should to talk to your young ones
about before bringing them out.