My First Con
Surviving you first convention
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The My First Con Group started in 2009, as a panel discussion at Anime St. Louis.  The goal is to inform people who are new to the Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Anime on how to avoid problems and how to enhance their first convention experience.

Katana  Katana:  The founder and Content Coordinator of My First Con.

Man In Kilt  Man In Kilt:  Technical Coordinator and convention old-timer.

Epic Phail  Epic Phail:  We're not sure what he does, exactly. But he does it well.

Jennie Breeden

Jennie Breeden: Author of The Devil's Panties. Jennie has graciously allowed us to use panel art from her web comic.  If you want to read a really funny perspective on everything from conventions to family, you need to read her comics (parents, I'd say this comic would be a solid PG-16 rating).  And if you like her comic, by all means, stop by her store and buy some of her merch.

Through the various cons, we have had a small group of guests that have sat with us giving their two cents.  Since that might be worth every penny some day, we figured we'd give credit where it's due.

Shanna Moira Smith
Eric 'Link' Ward
Carl 'Cain' Wolfe
Stephen Leitch
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